Our mission is to empower Bitcoiners to break free from their fiat jobs by providing resources and guidance (or even hands-on work experience) to launch their Bitcoin career.

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On our YouTube channel you hear from professional Bitcoiners who already work in the industry and learn valuable tips from them. Check out the first interviews here and subscribe for more.

On Telegram, you can subscribe to our free BitvocationFeed where our job bot scrapes the internet for the latest job openings in Bitcoin and delivers them directly to your phone! No crypto or Web3 noise, just Bitcoin signal.

And right here on Substack you will find our Bitcoin Conference Overview including ticket discounts, so you can plan your year around the events you want to attend and save a bit on tickets, too!

We are building more resources as we speak, so make sure you follow along!

About ANJA | @connecteconomy

Hi there - my name is Anja (Anya) - I am the founder of Bitvocation. You can find me anywhere online under the handle @connecteconomy.

Since 2017 I've been teaching interested pre-coiners about Bitcoin through my own consultancy, and onboarded mainly women to this space. I also freelanced for several startups in the space as an Operations Manager.

In 2023 I started looking for a way to serve the Bitcoin community, since previously, I had been working mainly with outsiders and newcomers to the space. During the Bitcoin Prague conference I noticed just how many Bitcoiners want to work in our industry, but don't know how to start.

That sparked the idea for Bitvocation, which I started as a passion project by providing resources for Bitcoiners to find their first job in the Bitcoin ecoystem.

I am not a recruiter and I didn’t intend to start “yet another job board”. My initial intention was to be your tour guide through the Bitcoin career landscape, your cheerleader, your resource provider, and hopefully your connector to helpful contacts.

The fact that the Bitvocation Job Feed became the most complete source of job vacancies in the Bitcoin space, was a coincidence.


During the course of 2024 my vision became bigger and I started collaborating with other Bitcoiners, who wanted to contribute to Bitvocation as a means of building their first proof of work in the industry.

Just like me, they are volunteering their skills to the community at this moment. There's Eric, who built the Bitvocation job bot, which ensures that you see the latest offers in our Telegram channel. There’s Mindaugas, who’s a data wizard and who is using Eric’s scraped data to produce informative charts and reports on the state of the Bitcoin job market (coming soon!). And there’s Marek, who’s working tirelessly on creating relationships with Bitcoin conference organisers, and negotiating discount codes for you.

We have (and had) more helpers over the past few months. Everyone is volunteering their time and skills for projects that match their strengths and joy. Some team members might stay longer, others just for a limited time or specific project. If you are looking to join a project for a limited amount of time in order to get your first proof of work on your cv - check out our BTX page to see if there is something for you. Everything is meant to be easily doable part-time next to your day job. If you can’t find a matching vacancy, but you have a skill that you think could really add value to Bitvocation, simply send us a proposal!

In return for your contribution, you will be able to put Bitvocation on your cv as your first job in Bitcoin, and receive an endorsement. I will of course also assist you with getting connected and becoming "findable" in the Bitcoin space, and help you in any way I can.

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Our mission is to empower Bitcoiners to break free from their fiat jobs by providing resources and guidance to launch their Bitcoin career.


Founder of Bitvocation | Operations Management & Customer Service Consultant for Bitcoin Startups https://bitvocation.com